I'm not sure who reads these, but I am blown away at how this is working for me. Whoever created this Dietbet must have seen me and how my brain works and said, "I think this would actually work for Scott!" I have the ability to take off weight in shorts stints, but not maintain it long term. It comes back and I again lose self control. 

I actually started with a StepBet that I am still on. A friend told me about this thing she was doing, and when she showed me what it was all about, I KNEW I had to get on it RIGHT NOW! I signed up within 24 hours, and I am still going! It plays into my competitivenes and my desire to win money! A couple of days later I was looking at DietBet and knew that this could work for me as well! I signed up on the cheapest one to limit the risk, but I knew that I could manage the 4% and I showed that I could! I have also realized that while I am spntaneous, I have to play on that or it can get lost. So now that this game I am on is now over, I am going to jump right back in and keep going! I personally want to see where I can take myself. 

On one of these sites I saw the slogan "It's Time To Start Betting On Yourself!" I can't remember where I saw it, but it really struck a chord with me, because no one can beat you in this game except yourself! I have done other games that have a pot for someone to win the entire thing, but there is always someone with more ability, more drive, or more self control. I would do well, but never quite get there. I would realize this, and it often caused me to not try as hard because I had an excuse. NOW, there are NO EXCUSES! I am betting on ME! I BELIEVE I can do it, and I am going to do it. I had moments when I was weaker this past month and places where I just felt it was okay to eat a little more, but then get back on the horse. I took someone's advice and to not let it take me down the spiral. I went back to being smarter with what and when I eat, and it has worked! Plus all the walking with StepBet has really helped! 

So I look forward to continuing with this, and I can hardly wait to feel the pain in my knees go away because I have brought my weight down. 

Thanks for your time and remember, you CAN do it! Start betting on yourself!
