6 months ago, I weighed at least 272 when offered a walmart driver job and got my first positive sugar test of my lifetime. I was very concerned because I know how destructive diabetes is to a body and to quality of life. I have witnessed the damage to organs, extremities, and senses to family and friends.
I next time I saw my doctor publicly I told him about the result. The first thing he said is that he has had patients that have lost weight and body fat, then have better results with lab tests. I immediately commited to myself to lose this body fat naturally and safely.
In the past, I have had temporary short term success with slim fast, atkins, fasting, and nutri system. Unfortunately the weight loss was short lived and all of the weight came back on and all of that effort and money spent seemed to be useless. What could I do to make sure that I don't just repeat this same old useless cycle?
After some searching, I decided to try Weight Watchers online plus due to being on the road most of the time, convenience, and reasonable cost. So I made my ultimate goal to be 200 lbs which sounds like a good number and is below being obese on the body index chart.
I found that everything edible has a WW point value. To stay on track I chose to eat items with low point totals and only consume small portions of high point foods. Weight came off very fast early on and my eating habits kept improving.
Only a couple of weeks into WW, I lost 15 lbs and lab tests all came back normal, to problem with sugar, chloresterol, blood pressure, ect..
Then I got invited into a Diet Bet game hosted by Coach Lisa from WW and joined due to how quickly I was losing the weight. So I met my goal 5 consecutive times and took my share of each and every jackpot I paid into. The results are comfortable sustained weight loss and few extra dollars won to reinvest into better health, clothes that fit and look better, or whatever else I may like.
Weight Watchers works far better for me because it causes habits to improve and change. There are no secrets, gimmics or quick fixes. The results have been all true and completely natural with no medication whatsoever. I feel great and am grateful to be much better health.
So here I am, 6 months older, 72 lbs lighter (200) and met my dream goal. Mission accomplished!!!! I should enjoy the moment and pat myself on the back.
Now it is time to set a new goal of 179 which was my weight when I was 19. I hope to be there in 6 months.