Thursday I had a nerve block done in my neck and it brings me much joy because I can not tip my head back and turn it a bit more. I think the hardest part about this process is trying to slow down and take it easy. Take it easy meant me doing 60 minutes on the bike and a bunch of other stuff including making homemade turkey soup, and I shared my proud accomplishment with my husband who promptly yelled at me or more to the pointed texted to me that I'm supposed to be taking it easy. No stress, or exertion. Whoops. I definitly paid for it this afternoon when every time I went to stand up I would have major dizy spells. So tomorrow or I should say today as it is after midnight, I will try to take it easy. 

I'm just not sure where that line is. I don't have to many pain free days. Most days my level is a 5 and at the max its a 10. Today was a 8 and I constantly push myself because I hope that somewhere in there I will find the healthy me. Fibromyalgia sucks and today I feel my nerves lighting up like a christmas tree, and its probably why I'm up so late writting. My words may ramble a bit but I am not sorry because they are the passion of what I feel. 

So other then trying to take it easy I find myself hungry. Not real food hungry but munchy hungry. Something I hadn't been feeling of late. So I was wondering if any of you have any food ideas that help to satiate hunger like this. Normaly I like to have a tortilla shell with some peanut butter on it and that usual kills my hunger, but I'm getting tired of that and would like to try something new. So whats your go to snack or how do you beat the cravings.