I love DietBet! Last year I made $683 losing the 17 pounds I gained while being married to a man that can eat and eat and eat and never gain a pound. The week of my last bet, I discovered I was pregnant, so my betting days were put on hold. Well, let me tell you, my pregnancy was hard. I was extremely nauseated the whole first trimester, then came down with the flu & strep (at the same time!), followed by the stomach bug, sciatic pain, and an upper respiratory infection. We also moved from Brooklyn to Harlem to Amarillo, TX (staying with friends and family until landing in an apartment.) AND started a new job! Through all of this I managed to gain 80 POUNDS. EIGHTY POUNDS.

It is time to RESTART my weight loss journey and RENEW the mindset of using food to fuel and learning to love the way exercise gives me energy and strength. http://dbet.me/5uOqgP

I decided to start hosting because it makes me feel incredibly vulnerable. I have always struggled with my weight and I was always so private about it. Putting myself out there motivates me to succeed and I hope it encourages others to be healthy. I'm secretly terrified no one will join my bet...but I'm going to keep trying and put myself out there.

Oh, and I hope to make some extra money losing the weight. If all goes well, I plan to use my winnings to buy Christmas gifts and maybe take my husband on a surprise date--one-night getaway vacay! We are on an extremely tight budget, so this will be a major blessing!