Why is it when I’m determined to do this, setbacks seem so enormous? This week after biting the bullet and committing to a new Dietbet, I planned out the meals and fitness routines, bought new hand weights, gliders and kettlebell……then, I got a head cold!  No biggie, right?  Just a little head cold. 

Well tell that to my emotions!  I worked myself into such a fit because I missed my work out when I slept to get better--What a lazy butt.  I went to bed at 5:30 and didn’t get up until 5:15 the next morning.  In hindsight, I say; “Really, get over yourself”.  

Even though I’m still all stuffy, I ran my scheduled run today, with snot hankie in hand.  I feel proud of myself for jumping back into the program, but frustrated with how I handled the “setback”.   

So I’m reflecting, trying to understand why a little head cold seemed like so much more;

I know it’s because I don’t want to fail. I want to do this. Bumps are going to happen. It is called life and it’s filled with ups and downs that must be overcome.   It’s also the “no excuses” mentality that got me going. Was I just caving to an excuse…putting my fitness plan off because I wasn’t feeling well, only to face feeling worse the next day?  I just hate the unknown!

I’d like to think I’m not alone in this mental battle; that everyone must go through this.  I want to win this weight loss battle and gain control of why I have fought with being overweight, efforts to lose and gaining it back for years and years, but it is my reality that I will never be done. This is my normal.

I will have setbacks and I must crawl back to the top figuratively and emotional time and time again. I’m back on top! Looking back at my bottom of the past few days, I know I truly hurt, (mentally) because I didn’t want to fail. 

Being sick is not an excuse and getting back on plan is a WIN!

I’ve learned I can bounce back quickly and roll with the punches. (However, a bit more grace when sick would be nice!)

Thanks for reading and I hope this reflection helped someone stop and think about their own situation too.  Wishing everyone success and good health!
