First off let me start off by introducing myself. My name is Spring and I am 24 years old. I am a full time step-mom( mom). I take care of my son whom is 8 years old mostly on my own. My husband works offshore and though his birth mom is still in his life she does not get to see him much. Anyway I work full time in the school board system as a Paraproffesional. I just enrolled into CTU online for my Bachelor's of Science in Accounting and will be starting classes on August 15th. We do karate 2 nights a week and church on Wednesday night and Sunday morning. I lead a very busy life and I am fluffy. I am ready to lose weight and be accountable for losing it. I have money to motive me.  HEHE. The highest weight I have been is 276 which I have just went down from to 272. Thank you for taking the time to read :)