Creating a New End - Part 2- August 6th, 2017

Sitting here, recovering from surgery, I've had a lot of time to think. I've done this before. In the 8 years leading up to the car accident last fall, I developed healthy eating habits and was exercising 5-6 days a week. I had it down pat. For the first time in my life, I really wasn't worried about or had to monitor my weight that closely. I had found my happy place.

Currently, I am not allowed to lift more than ten pounds and it could be 6 months to a year before I am fully recovered from my surgery. At the moment, I can only walk short distances, so even cardio will be difficult in the begining portions my weight loss journey. I am also still in a lot of pain. Pain can do crazy things to your mental health and overall well-being.

I'm going to have to rethink my weight loss stratgey. Fortunley, I have a large knowlegde base in regards to nutrtion and excercise. I also have an amazing physcal therapist, who is helping me find activties and exercises that I am capable of doing. 

I think the key to this journey will be planning. When I'm in pain, I am in a fog and my motivation to cook or even get out of the recliner is somewhere between zero and negative three. A second key will be to take baby steps in regards to my physcial activity. I need to find the balance between moving more and healing.

So, here is where I start... planning and baby steps. 

Untill next time, be well.



"You can never start over and create a new beginning, 

but you can always start from now 

and create a new end"