I am back from my daughter's wedding and I only gained 1 pound! Success! I had a great time. I enjoyed the wedding, including a small slice of cake, I had an ice cream cone, pizza and even BBQ at the local BBQ place. I never felt deprived. I tried to make healthy choices and made sure I moved as often as possible. I managed to hit 10,000 steps every day and on Saturday I got over 15,000 because we spent the day at the Zoo.
It was a great trip for a lot of reasons. My beautiful daughter got married. I got to see where they live and explore Cincinnati. All of my children were in the same town for 5 full days (that is rare!), and I managed to enjoy myself and my family without diving head first into food. It was wonderful.
I did endulge but not all day, every day and when I did endulge it was small portions. At the zoo I actually got a kids meal because I wanted the animal crackers and I knew the small turkey sandwich and orange slices balanced out the crackers. It was a good healthy meal and I thoroughly enjoyed the cookies.
I feel really good. I know that the pound I gained will be lost quickly and I will be working hard to meet this month's goal for my transformer. I am determined to make it!
This trip made me realize that I can enjoy life and special events without gorging. I can enjoy life and be successful with my weight loss.
Yep... I've got this!