I have often needed the second day of a weigh in to make goal, not making it the first day by a fraction of a pound. Can be stressful when you are so close to your target to be slightly over! A salty or heavy meal can stick with you or hormones can make you bloated. Just shake it off and try again the next day, especially with a transformer, you will have more weigh ins for the next rounds. I got the weekly progress weigh ins to make sure I am on target thruout the month, and sometimes update a few times in a week, so you know along the way if you are making progress. Christmas was tricky for me too - we took fruit salad to a party and brought home the leftovers. I don't usually eat that much fruit, but over the next few days we ate fruit with breakfast every day, not very filling. A coworker gave me a plate of homemade cookies (HUGE!), I took them to a holiday walk and feed 8 people, and gave the rest to homeless people near my office on the way home. Leftovers seem to be the most disruptive to planning, as can choose to be at one party, but leftovers can extend the holiday food many days.