Did my initial weigh in and it was as bad as I expected.  Took my measurements so I can see inches as I lose them. I bought and planned my next week of food and will eat out 1 meal this week.  My goal is to keep my calories at 1.200 a day for right now.  I will see how hungry I am and adjust or change if needed.  I plan on 5 days of exercise, mainly walking since I don't belong to a gym and I have some small weights to do arms.  I took my measurements and they are as follow so that I have them for my record:

Stomach 47"

Waist 39"

Hips (they don't lie) 46"

Chest 45"

Neck 15"

L/R thigh 25.5"/26"

L/R arm 13"

L/R calf 15"

Also, no seizures this week, blood sugar 170's