I am the worlds WORST at this tid bit of advice. I have read book after book and even gone to seminars where they tell you, "MAKE A GOAL AND WRITE IT DOWN". lol I get all kinds of motivated and I NEVER write it down. Well with this dietbet, they are giving us amazing tools to help us along. They send emails every morning, they give us tips, they even have your weight posted for you so YOU don't have to write it down. :D 


I have to say though. Writing on the blog area is amazing!!! I don't know if people read what I write, BUT I can say it is truly helping me stay motivated. I write what "positives" are going on in my head and I then feel better for the rest of the day. I read in a book once to write and say only the positives down and give God the negative. He will deal with it better than we will. I believe and so that is what I do. :) I say positive things about myself and write good postive messages. I might think negative thoughts about my weight or something else, but I pray about it and ask God to take all the negative from me. It has changed my attitude A LOT!


Rambling over! LOL So I believe RIGHT NOW, I am going to make an index card with my next GOAL weight on it and tape it to my bathroom mirror, my nightstand, my computer area and on that card I will have the date I want to see it done. LOL dietbet made it easy for me to do this. All I have to do is write down what dietbet already posted for me. :D 

SO if anyone is reading this, I challenge you!!! Go write down your NEXT goal weight and post it around your areas that you are going to see it more than once a day. I may even write down a checklist for what exercise, weightloss form I will be doing for the day. :) 


Go go now, WRITE IT DOWN. (I'm cheering myself on there lol)