Hi Friends! This is my story for joining this group.

On July 21, 2013, my wedding day, I felt the most beautiful I have ever felt. I wasn't the thinnest I'd ever been, but I also was no longer a teenager. I was at a healthy, normal weight for an adult woman felt goood! It's been over a year since then, and my husband and I have been trying to get our bearings as a married couple. We've had to figure out new routines together, which foods we both liked to eat (at home), and overall figure out how to just be married. Somehow, eating well and exercising never made it into our routine. 

Disclaimer: I am so glad that I married my husband. Love him to death. But there's been some emotional baggage that came along with him choosing to marry me against others wishes. ("Why don't they like me, I don't understand, etc.")

So it's been survival mode in terms of "how do I survive in this new grown up life and with a brand new person?!" So I turned to food, because of course, I would starve to death if I didn't overly fill myself up at each meal! I developed this weird relationship with food that I've never experienced quite so extreme before. When I felt sad, I'd eat. When I felt happy, which was a rare enough occasion that it deserved celebration, I'd eat. When I felt stressed... you get the idea. I guess I didn't feel like anything in my life was under my control, so food was one thing that I could control and it would make me happy (er).

After over 13 months of this, I'm done with this cycle. We're finally at a point where we've got some resemblence of a routine down, moved to a new place that we love, got new puppies who make our lives so much more joyful, and I think now it's time to get active (more than just taking the dogs for a short walk) and eat better!

All that to say, I'm excited to start this journey with all of you!
