This is my first blog post.  You would think I'd start with some earth-shattering observation or some ambitious charge into my weight loss journey.  I won't.  I've done that before, and within a few weeks, that spark fizzles out into a puff of smoke, and my mirror and scale continue to mock me with the same images.

All that I plan to do is TODAY.  I'm not going to worry about tomorrow, or next week or next month.  I'm not going to think about if my old jeans will fit before some future arbitrary milestone date.   I've come to realize that my control is only mine for TODAY, and I'm not going to relinquish it to anyone or anything (I'm talking to you, Taco Flavored Doritos).  

This morning, I woke up with an outline of what I wanted TODAY to look like.  To start, I was going to eat breakfast - the meal that I am an expert at neglecting.  I would pack my lunch.  I would plan out my snacks.  I would make a healthy dinner, and instead of hanging around the house surfing the web or pretending to be absorbed in the tv news from the comfort of my couch, I would get the leash and take my little pup for a long walk.   Most important, I would track every morsel I popped into my mouth in my food journal...I would make "Plan and Track" a priority (the mantra that Weight Watchers has been drilling into my head for months).  

Right now, it's 3 pm.  Right now, I'm proud of myself.  TODAY'S accomplishments, so far:

I ate breakfast.  A nonfat pinepple yogurt with two spoonfuls of Muesli.  Doesn't sound like much, but was more filling than it sounds and gave me a ton of energy through the morning. 

I packed my lunch.  A can of Amy's Minestrone soup with a single serving of oyster crackers.  A bag of sliced apples with lime & cinnamon.  Just enough to make me feel satisfied without feeling like a slug for the rest of the day.

A couple of snacks so far - a perfect, autumn red pear and a small bag of air-popped popcorn.  And 32 oz. of water has disappeared from my giant mug since this morning!

TODAY I have been in control all day, and it feels great.

I have 12 Weight Watchers points left for the day.  That is plenty for a big green salad and a nice grilled piece of salmon over a bed of fluffy herbed rice with corn and a light evening snack later.   I look forward to seeing my dog's old, sad eyes light up when I tie my gym shoes and reach for her leash.  

I hope when TODAY has ended, I can lay my head on my pillow feeling proud of myself for all of these tiny accomplishments, and when I wake, I will strive for another TODAY!