It's the little victories that keep us going and this past weekend I had one. Two, actually.
The first victory was that I had my monthly progress check with my personal trainer and stepped on the scale to see that I have hit the 30 lb lost mark. A huge part of that has been diet bet! I travel for a living, so I spent most week nights in a hotel and don't get to prepare my own food. At the beginning of July I decided to stop making excuses and got my eating under control. I'm so proud of myself, but haven't shared that victory with many people because I feel like I have so much further to go.
So, riding high off of that weigh in (and after weighing in on my own scale just to be sure), I had to pack for a weekend out of town. Searching for what to wear, I spotted several pairs of shorts that I bought about 3 years ago. They we're too tight then...but I couldn't bring myself to take them back to the store. I stared the shorts down, like I have many times before and thought, "Why not? Just try them on." Much to my surprise, THEY FIT!!! No muffin top, not tight around my thighs, and they looked good. I ended up choosing the white pair and wore them all day walking around on Saturday. So what if it was after Labor Day? I rocked those shorts!
Next time I try them on, I hope I can donate them because they're simply too big!