There is no way to lose weight without a sensible diet and some form of exercise. 

There is no magical workout program that allows you to eat whatever you want but the right form of exercise will allow you to enjoy your life while you are working out and losing weight. 


Benefits of a healthy diet

Eating a healthy diet is not only going to change your physical appearance, it will also help prevent disease or illnesses associated with poor eating habits such as ;


High Blood Pressure

High Cholesterol

Heart Disease

Heart Attack


 fish and spinach

Benefits from regular exercise

Working out can also lower cholesterol and blood pressure while strengthening your heart. This is why I want you all to consider taking on this challenge. 


Why Kettlebells?

Several forms of exercise are more than beneficial but when time is a factor, you need to get the most out of every workout. 

If you do 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise you will burn roughly 250 calories aerobically which does not build muscle. Building muscle speeds up your metabolism and increases bone density. This is crucial to avoid brittle bones and osteoporosis. 


When you use a Kettlebell for the same amount of time you burn 20,2 calories per minute which translates to 606 calories in 30minutes AND 192 calories out of that 606 is Anaerobic, which builds lean muscle and burns more calories as time goes on. 

This not only saves time but sculpts your entire body and leads to faster results. :)

Nothing else comes as close to this in the gym (except maybe CrossFit) which also uses kettlebells. 


So what are youi waiting for?

Find an instructor near you or you can use my Kettlebell Bombshell DVDs to learn all of the best kettlebell exercises and programs to follow so you will get the best results in a short amount of time.

Checkout my Kettlebell Bombshells group here to stay motivated and on track to succeed in losing weight and staying motivated. 

Hope to see you there and participating in my DietBet!