So I'm not losing weight just for this diet bet. I've been on a health journey since march this year and have lost almoste 60 lbs. I have a lot of experience with diets since I'm overweight from the age of 10. Now I've finally come to the conclusion (really), that I need to change my lifestyle all together, so no more diets! I've done a lot of research about what's healthy and what should work. Some things really don't work for me (like low-carb), that doesn't mean it can't work for somebody else. I'm a firm believer of getting to know your body!


So what do I do:

- I follow weightwatcher and eat all my weeklies according to the wendieplan, don't usually eat my activity points.

- I mealprep every monday, I ususally prep breakfast, snacks, lunch and dinners for 4 days (my working days)

- I try to eat 90% clean, so mostly all home made meals and barely any pre packed and factory produced stuff

- I try to eat enough protein, and always take a protein shake after working out.

- I lift heavy weights 3 times a week, these are all total body workouts so no split schedule

- I do HIIT once a week on an elliptical trainer

- I try to reach 10.000 steps daily on my fitbit and do a 25.000 steps challenge once a month (on instagram, my name is @floordeboor).

- I don't do high impact because I'm still recovering from a running/jumping-injury I acquired 2 years ago when I thought it was a good idea to do high impact when being obese.


I've been losing 1-3 lbs consistently almost every week, I sometimes eat out, I sometimes eat chocolate and drink wine every other week and still able to lose weight.