What a week of ups and downs for me with my health journey! Overall, I've been doing great since July 1. Down 40lbs and maintaining all sorts of new good habits. But inevitably with success comes complacency, and I thought that I would let myself enjoy a few of my now near forbidden treats.

My brother was here (PHX) from Cleveland for a few days, and we went out to watch Thursday Night football. I stayed away from all the unhealthy appetizers, made sure to eat my normal dinner before going out, but I relaxed and let myself have a few beers - more than I planned on when I left the house. Quality brother time though, right? So I got home too late to go to my normal Friday team training.

Then this weekend I worked my second job as a dueling piano player, where I always struggle with healthy choices. More alcohol, then when I got home I mini-binged on Friday and full out binged on Saturday. Not enough sleep, way too much drinking, and no exercise. It really has taken me until day to fully recover. 

Here's the thing, though. Monday morning I met with my dietician. I got even more locked in on my goals and my plan. I worked out yesterday and it was rough! I'm sooo sore today, but I'd so much rather feel this soreness than that feeling of unhealthy hungover gross that I felt after this past weekend. I'm still on track; I just need to figure out what level of socializing and 'special occasion' exceptions I can have in my life. 

My friends want to go tailgate before the Lions v. Cardinals game in a few weeks. I need to find a way to healthy tailgate. I can go have a few now and then, but it can't turn into more than a few and it can't turn into a 3 day bender. I've got lots more weight to lose but it isn't just that, I'm developing habits that are changing my life for the better. Cooking healthy meals, wearing clothes that fit, going to bed and getting up earlier. I'm happier, more confident, and it is showing in every aspect of my life. I've stopped and started diets and healthy routines 100 times, and a weekend like last weekend would typically be an excuse to stop. Now it is just life and can help me tweak my plan for the next time. I'm not going to let anything stop me from creating this new healthy life for myself!