My very first blog post was when I just received my Nike Fuelband. When I ordered it, I was admittedly still on the fence about these fitness-tracker-bracelet-things. It seemed a little ridiculous to drop $100 on a plastic bracelet that counts your steps when you could get something very similar for $6 at Walgreens. So I spent about 20 days with my Fuelband. It was great; I had an app, it told me to get up about every hour, it had the time, Fuel(?), calories out, and steps taken. Overall it was pretty nifty, I liked it, but wasn't in love. I'm still not too sure on what Fuel is, but it doesn't matter! I've moved on to bigger and better things. The Nike Fuelband lacked what I wanted so badly, syncing capability. Sure it was able to sync to my laptop and phone, but not to my calorie counter app or here on dietbet. It was annoying to have to differentiate the calories I had to enter every day on my phone and make sure no one was getting cheated by the count. All that is changed now with my FitBit Flex. It's the same price as the fuelband, so the money I'm being refunded by Nike (in the 30-day trial before returns) is the money that's going to my FitBit. Not to mention a few more dollars because I didn't want to wait for standard shipping, I mean a whole week, really??
So far I'm happy with my purchase; the stats alone are enough to get my inner geek's heart pounding!
Yay for technology2