My first DietBet4 started on April 12th and I honestly haven't looked back. It hasn't been easy and it hasn't been fun, but it's been worth every step.
Every drop of sweat, every counted calorie.
Every 'no thank you' when a co-worker or friend offered me a sweet.
It was worth every glass of water instead of soda.
Every fruit and vegetable instead of starch.
I am 101.8 pounds from where I started. It is unreal to think I've actually able to stick with it this long, and I know I wouldn't be able to if it weren't for DietBet and Sparkpeople. DietBet has kept me interested and Sparkpeople has been able to help me track every step of the way.
I started in a size 32 jeans and I'm currently rocking a size 20. And I do mean rocking! I am loving this new me. I love the new found energy that I have. I love the way clothes are fitting me now. There are just so many positives to losing this weight and I can't wait to experience even more the further I go down this path.
To celebrate this amazing occasion, my husand and I are spending a few days in New York City the week before Christmas. I haven't been there in over 10 years and my husband has never been there! Any recommendations on 'must go' places! I am trying to plan as many meals as I can early because I plan on enjoying myself but not overdoing it.
So excited for the future! Good luck to everyone out there!
- Jennifer