All i have running round my head, is Smash Mouth's All Star. (i think that might be my motivational song of the week.
So my first game on her i lost 4% of my body weight and, i feel amazing! not only that but my sleep has improved and so has my relationsips with people close to me. I'm not so on edge, and i am really liking the person am changing into.
The first person to notice my weight loss was a man. I was flattered and imperssed. THANKYOU JOSH :-) .. unfrotunatly i then beat him up as it was at my taekwando class.
With this game i have hit the ground running. I have lost 2lbs. (waiting for it to be verified) and since starting work with my nutritionalist i have lost neary 10lbs.
I guess you could say im turning out to be quite a looser!
hey also i jumped horses the other day, first time ever. i think i just.....
LEVELED UP!!!!! BOOM (confetti and sparkly things )
Well im sure there will be more exciting stuff to come, but currently I'm one very happy bunny