Learned something about my dinner last night. We bought dinner from Boston Market to my surprise when I went to log my dinner I found out that what I thought was a pretty healthy dinner really wasn't. At least not by my standards. The rotisserie Chicken I ate was a whooping 638 Cal  33gr Fat. 2 Carbs The baked potatoe wasn't too bad but way more carbs than I like to eat 320 Cal 4gr Fat 63 Carbs. That's a whole lot of calories for one simple meal, I usually eat 4-6 meals (including 2 snacks) each meal is about 300-400 Cal and snacks 150-250 Cal. I keep my daily carbs around 60-120 net carbs, so 63 for just one meal is an awful lot in my book. So, my lesson learn is that I need to educate myself a bit more on eating out options. Specially since we are going on a mini 3 day vacation to St. Augustine the day after Thanksgiving, won't be able to take my food with me!

Feeling guilty for messing up last night I didn't weight myself today because I didn't want to be discourage instead I decided to hit it hard. Woke up did a fasted 20 min of HIIT and the Slimchick abs/booty workout. Ate breakfast egg whites spinach, tomatoe, diced roasted summer squash. Did 2 loads of laundry. Picked the house up. Ran an errand. got back cooked my food for the next 3 days. Cooked dinner for my DH. Then I had my second meal, turkey balls and 4oz sweet potatoe. Then Lower Body Workout:

Step Ups about 18" high
20x3 @20lbs (10lbs each hand these really pump up my heart, so out of shape lol)

Walking Lunges
60 @BW

Hamstring Curls (not much weight but I'm just starting out this is my second weight workout ;-)
15 @20lbs
15 @25lbs
15 @25lbs very slow

20x3 resistance band

Leg Extensions
20x3 @25lbs

Sumo Squats (I don't like these I find them boring and don't feel them much anywhere)
17 @10lbs
20 @20lbs

Hip Thrusts (I like these a lot it's the only exercise I really feel in my booty and makes it sore the next day lol)
15x3 @28lbs

Then I went to the park and squeeze in a 2 miles power walk, rushed back home to serve dinner! I had Honey Balsamic Thyme Chicken, quinoa, avocado, Zucchini & Broccoli. Cleaned up after dinner, folded last load of laundry + put it away. Packed DH lunch for tomorrow. Showered and now I'm finally relaxing, going to do some computer graphics work but that's relaxing to me. Pretty busy day and met all my fitness goals for the day ;-) Steps for the day so far 15,176 Yay! Water so far 96oz

Hope you all had a good day too!