worked out to Hard Cord, Gilad's Lord of the Abs video today. It seemed to go on and on.. didn't seem so long last time I used it. Nevertheless I finished the entire video, when usually I would have said half an hour and I'm done. I'm out-of-shape I'm afraid. after this month, I'll fly through it of course. :-)
stayed within my calories today with homemade wild salmon cakes, mushrooms and bokchoy, butternut squash, and pomegranate with macademia nuts for dessert.
good food, good exercise. my dog, Moxie, loves to watch me work out. She grabs her toys and starts running around, working out along with me, I think. She gets quite playful knowing that I always take her out for a walk after I finish Gilad's workout. Gilad video to her means, "Yes! I get to go for a walk soon." To me it means, Yes, I'll be able to get back into those jeans soon.