Another great day today with over a gallon of water, but that is pretty easy to do herein Phoenix, Az when it has been and will continue to be 110-114 degrees outside everyday.My regular gym day with 35 more minutes of H.I.I.T of cardio and today was leg day! Have been getting not as much burn lately so I up'd the weight a couple pounds and pushed my legs to near failure. Great day with squats and leg presses and this has been the toughest 2 exercises for me to get back adjusted now that I am back to lifting. It was great having my 17 year old son in the gym today while I was there, as he has a tremendous amount of knowledge of the body and has taught me that correct form is more important than anything else and has set me up with a routine that works the muscle groups so that they are being built from different angles. He is in phenomenal shape and he is also a great motivator and inspiration to me. Legs were so weak and wobbley when I left .. I could barely get imto my truck.