So the countdown to heading back to the east coast is on(3 days in case you were curious). I am excited, nervous, and a little sad. The sad part has to deal with my grandpa's illness, it is likely I will have to go to a funeral while I am home. You can pack/plan for a trip but you can't really plan for things like that. 

I bought lots of lovely cold weather clothes(some seriously amazing scrafs) and all I need now is a pair of boots.


Seeing as how the good Lord blessed me with this wonderful round body He also decided that I needed huge feet on top of the first blessing.(blessing is said sarcasticly) By huge I mean length is a size 11 wideth is W or WW.

Those stats alone make me cringe reading them and make me want to chop my feet off everytime I go shoe shopping. It is awesome living in a place that I do not have to normally wear shoes. Foot wear here consists of flip flops everyday which is great however going back to the cold flip flops are not going to cut it.

Ordering online is an option but I can't try the shoes on and I have already had ordering issues before. Not all things that say they are wide are wide(less in life for all things (-:). 

Seriously, the struggle is real trying to dress this body. I haven't even thought of a just in case outfit because I definitely have no shoes for the just in case.(It is snowy at my grandparents but not my parents) Different locations on a long distance trip makes all packing a challenge.

Hoping that once I get to the first stop I can find something that will work. If not we will be rocking my black and hot pink work out shoes with everything, even church ;-).

Clothing and all around dressing challenged but I am not going to get it stop me from keeping it moving.