I've lost weight before, became an athlete even and here I am again overweight & depressed about it!  I need to identify a "why" for looseing weight.  A "why" for mainting a health body & mind.  I know I desire the following:


noun (pl-ties 
1.  physical or mental vigour, energy, etc
2.  the power or ability to continue in existence, live, or grow: the vitalityof a movement
3.  the peculiarity distinguishing the living from the nonliving
4:  capacity to live and develop; also :  physical or mental vigor especially when highly developed
5:  power of enduring
6:  lively and animated character
Please Share Your "why" for loosing weight?  I will share mine when I can put my finger on it.  It has to be more thatn I want to look cute in clothes for me - its deep a deep desire to have my outside match my inside.