On Tuesday's episode of Extreme Make over Chris Powell said the following: "What is it you've always wanted? do you know you could be 90 days away from a happier, healthier life?"  He was talking about the great changes Georgeanna had undergone in 90 days. This got me thinking about all the effort Georgeanne put into the 90 days. She was full-on and you could see the results. That led me to think about what changes I'd like to see in 90 days and wondered if I would be willing to put in the same kind of effort that the people do on EWL.  I thought about the kind of life I'd like to have in 90 days.

I'd like to be at place in my life where I:

exercise consistently.

 go to bed by 10:30 each night consistently so that I wake up in the morning consistently feeling refreshed.

take better care of my home so I'm not embarrassed when someone comes in. I know that's not weight related but I do think it's healthy living related. A more orderly home will lead to a more relaxed me. 

have more energy so I can put my all into my job of being a  missionary in West Africa. I often skip out on things I had planned because I have no motivation. I think motivation would come if I were taking better care of myself.

In 90 days I would like to feel better so that I can "be" better so that I can "do" better. 

Do you know you could be 90 days away from a happier, healthier life? A great question which could lead to great action which could lead to great change. Now, where to start?