Begin at the Beginning


07/25/2014 11:35PM
Beth, I love your determination! And yes, I am rooting for you to show that doctor how wrong she was to say that ;)

I noticed that you are also a vegan? How long have you been doing the vegan lifestyle? I have been vegetarian for a bit and then switched over to veganism recently. I feel very good about making that decision. I hope we can be friends and support each other throughout our journeys!

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Thank you Ang!
I am a very new baby vegan! About 3 months ago I found a book by Dr. Joel Furhman, "Eat to Live" and also, "The end of Diabetes". What he had to say about meats in relation to cancer and diseases totally changed my life. I can not look at any meat the same. I physically have reactions to them now. I also do not look at fat and milk the same.
I began this journey trying to decrease my needs for medicine in regards to my diabetes, but it has become a whole health journey.
I definitely have my slip ups. My daughter and husband LOVE meat, eggs, milk, fat... and of course there is some of that in the diet. However, since I am ( as my daughter puts it) The Cooker, I have control over what is brought in and cooked in the house. ::) Last night I made a sour cream banana and blueberry bread for my husband to take to work with him. We all had a bite of a loaf... but that's better than making it just to have it.. .. (Sorry for the long reply!)


Beth, that is awesome. I originally became vegan because of ethical reasons (the conditions animals were kept in and how they were treated), but the more I learn about a plant-based diet, the more I realize how much better it is for your body. All the things you mentioned about it helping with diabetes and getting of medications, I've read about and agree with. I think you made a great choice.
I was just talking to another friend about how oblivious I was about something like milk before I became vegan and can understand why you have physical reactions to it now!

I give you a lot of credit since you are also raising a family. I think your decision to take care of yourself is brave and courageous!

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