With the game starting tomorrow, I did once last review of my list.

Activity plan created and scheduled in calendar - check.

Lunches ready - Chicken baked for lunches - check.

Healthy snacks ready - almost. Need to buy more veggies and some plain greek yogurt (0% tastes good).

Supper meals planned - almost. Will do this today.

Christmas treats (chocolates, cake & cookies) removed from house - almost done.  I'm sending the baking off with my son when he heads back to university. What he doesn't want will get tossed.  I'll be too tempted otherwise

Keeping track of activity and food eaten on fitnessPal - check.

Stay in the moment - not quite there.  This morning I thought about next Saturday's long run.  It's going to be three miles more than the run I did yesterday. I panicked and thought "don't do it, why am I running, just stop."  Now that is definitely not in the moment thinking. I talked myself down, realizing that I have a couple of runs between now and then to prepare for next Saturday.  One step at a time - I will do my best!

have a good week!