The past year was the hardest of my adult life.  I had to get tough on a whole new level - I experienced serious health crises for myself and my husband (in our 30's so we were not prepared!), the income loss and financial stress that resulted, the stress of returning to work after baby #3, and just last month, the loss of the stepfather who raised me.  I have never looked forward to a new year more. 

I am eternally optimistic, and I am believing that this year will not be so hard.  It's a new season for our family, and one thing I must do for my health and happiness is help my body get back into shape.  I know I will never look the same as I did before I had my babies.  The stretch marks will stay and I will not ever have the time to be a gym rat.  That's okay.  But I also know I'm not happy with my current size and my current fitness level.  I miss feeling comfortable in my own skin.  I miss feeling strong.  I miss the clothes! 

So, this week I'll start my first, and hopefully only, diet bet.  It's going to be a six month journey and I am determined to be successful!  I would LOVE to lose 20 pounds and be toned and fit.  I am committed to clean eating for myself and my family and, finally, to exercising.  I am going to need to be realistic and creative with my time.  With 3 kids who are 5 and under, I don't get much if any time to myself, but I will ask for it.  This month, I am going to start walking with the two littles in the stroller before my oldest gets off the bus, every day that the weather isn't horrific.  I'm also starting PIYO workouts.  I deserve to feel good and I can't wait to start!