Oct 7 Transformer - Round 3 Results and Stats

This game had 196 winners in Round 3, in a pot that 923 people contributed to. That's a 21.24% win rate (far lower than average). Winners got $44.15 each - more than $10 more than average and also the single highest non-final pot ever. People who have won each round have now made $91.55, about $11 more than average.  The game lost 4.55% of players this round, for a natural attrition total of 8.34%, the both numbers notably higher than average.  I would have said that a week should have been long enough to iron out any splurges for New Year's Eve and get back on track but I guess the holidays had a much bigger impact on this gang than expected. Or, like me, the flu has too many players down for the count.  I know I got on the scale to weigh-in, saw I was within a pound of my goal, but then had a big coughing fit and went and laid down on the couch instead of heading to the gym for breakfast which I would have done at any other time.  Congrats, winners!

(Note: I write posts about the stats for all the games that are running, not just the ones I'm playing in, but my posts only appear in the feeds for my games.  If you are in other games, feel free to post my blog there so people can see how they are doing.  I'm currently in the Aug 12, Oct 7, and Dec 2 games.  If you add me as a friend, you will get a notification about all the stats posts I make.  You can also join the Transformers Data Nerds group: https://www.dietbetter.com/community/groups/7-transformers-data-nerds and our Facebook group: https://www.facebook.com/groups/DietBet.March/ ).

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Rebecca B.

01/13/2015 8:54AM
This round was probably one of the hardest fitness goals I have ever met. This summary makes me feel so proud of myself for making it. Confirms that it wasn't easy for many, many people.


01/09/2015 10:02AM
Get well soon Amy. Thanks for the quick update. Seems like the early autumn games are good for testing people's commitment through the holidays. Looking forward to the update on the high stakes game.

Games played


Weight lost




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