Day 10 -

Breakfast: 2 eggs, 2 pieces of bacon, banana

Lunch: Tunafish with salsa, avocado, and pickles (AMAZING!) on cucumbers, almonds

Dinner: Ham and a scrambled egg, pistachios and walnuts.

*Went to my mom's house to watch the Ravens' game again.  She made barbecue (thought that I could eat it.. she tried) and it smelled delicious!  I ended up eating whatever I could find at her house for dinner. Should have planned better.


Day 11-

Breakfast: 2 eggs fried in coconut oil, sausage, blueberries.

Lunch: Shrimp and salmon with sauteed veggies.  *found out I do not like salmon.

Dinner: chicken thighs, spinach, unsweetened applesauce.


*My goal for this next week is to try new recipes because I am getting bored.. and that is not good. I am feeling good.. the same that I have been feeling since I started. Hungry but not hungry, tired but energentic...