Okay, so I am cheating a bit on the timing of this blog post. I meant to write this on January 9, but life got in the way, as it does.

My first Dietbet game started on January 1, so it's now 11 days later. Here are some things I've accomplished:

  • lost about 3 pounds
  • have been drinking at least 8 cups of water a day, including a cup first thing in the morning
  • went to the gym 7 times (including the morning of New Year's Day!)
    • swam 4 times
    • biked 3 times
    • lifted weights 3 times
  • brought homemade lunch to work everyday except one
  • limited my soda intake to 12 ounces (1 can) most days
  • replaced my unhealthy dinner (either no dinner or take out) with homemade smoothies packed with fruits, vegetables, flax, and protein
  • decreased my unhealthy snacking
  • rigged together a standing desk at work, which has helped immensely with my hip and lower back pain
  • started taking regular walks around the office to keep movingĀ 

Here are some things I need to work on:

  • limiting my unhealthy snacking even more
  • limiting my soda intake even more
  • going to the doctor
  • remembering to drink water on the weekends
  • being mindful of what I'm eating when eating out

As I've mentioned before, the gym, surprisingly is not an issue for me; food, however, is. That's pretty clear when looking at the things I need to work on. I had originally planned on looking into healthy snack recipes this past weekend, but I was so tired from the week and had so many other things to do that I just let that slide. I can't let that happen again in the enxt couple of days. I also went out for dim sum on Saturday, which, while delicious, made me feel not so great. It's pretty amazing, actually, how different I feel on my "I can indulge a bit!" days as opposed to my "I should stick to my plan" days (Saturday was also a non-gym day). I do think it's fine to go out for a meal once in a while, but next time I will be more careful about what, exactly, I am eating. After all, it wasn't so much about the food as it was about seeing some really good friends whom I hadn't seen in months!

One item that I have been thinking about a lot is my need to go to the doctor. My last physical was in April, but that was through work, and only with a nurse to discuss it with. I really need to go for a full physical to ensure that, while I am trying to lose weight, I am also tackling other problematic health issues that I've got (high cholesterol, blood pressure that's creeping up, etc.).

All in all, not bad. There's lots of room for improvement, though.