This is my first DietBet challenge. I decided to gamble to lose weight because I lack the commitment needed for weight loss when there is nothing stopping me from eating (and as a broke student something I am commited to is money!) I know how to lose weight and I can even do it successfully for short periods, but soon my emotions/mood get the better of me and comfort eating starts, which can quickly become a daily habit. I can be an impressive eater when I want to be, and in my binge eating phases I am probably consuming 3000+ calories every day. This needs to stop.


A little about me. I am 27 years old, and I am a nursing student living in Manchester, England. I am active; I run (slowly), play netball and walk or cycle most places. I know plenty about nutrition and balanced diets, I have a passion for cooking and I know all the theory needed for weight loss. My problem is the relentlessness of my studies (typically 3 days a week of hospital placements then assignments, including a dissertation) - my desire to do well can leave me emotionally drained, which can easily lead to takeaway pizzas, huge bags of crisps, and bottles of wine. I know it's all on me to change this, and hoping stress will magically melt away when I qualify in the summer is foolish. Stress is always there, and I am an emotional(/moody) person. I need to learn now.


So what am I doing about it? Well for a start I have signed up for this challenge. I have also placed a $50 per month bet on healthywage that I can lose 21lb in 6 months. That's $325 total, which is a serious amount of money for a student. I am also going to use MyFitnessPal to track my daily calories. I have set it (regretably :( ) to 1200 calories for this 4 week game, with a view to slowing the weight loss after by raising the calories, and I plan to count half my exercise calories and try to save them for the weekends. I am also running 3 times a week; I have 10ks in May and July, and a 13mile cycle in June. Extra incentive for weight loss is a wedding in July which involves seeing a lot of people I haven't seen in years


I am ready to learn. I need to learn new methods of managing my emotions which don't involve eating. because otherwise the weight loss is wasted, as I'll undo all my hard work. I need to learn portion control. I need to congratulate myself for small victories, and reflect on mistakes without letting them let me give up on myself. 


So, wish me luck, all friendly advice welcome.

