So, I decided, NO more excuses. I thought of waiting until son comes and goes back to Marine training...but I am not making any more excuses. It is time to do this!
Treadmill and gym is ready. Got new running shoes today. Ready to be motivated and to motivate.
Okay, so deciding this and writing at 1AM is not really a good start. It is a known fact that not having a good sleep/wake schedule can impact you in unhealthy ways, including weight. So, I will get to bed shortly and be better with bed time/wake time schedule. ;-)
In a few hours I will weigh in. Nervous and excited at the same time.
Betting on myself means beileving in myself. What can be more motivating than that?
So, time for bed.
Good night DietBet. I will be ready for you tomorrow. ;-) Let's do this!
-Amy :-)