The creator of LuluLemon Athletica is someone who believes strongly in personal development and I've read about his concept of finding your hedgehog. I'm not completely certain if this is his original idea or if it is something he found somewhere else and fine tuned, but it has to do with self actualization. I'm sure we all know from Maslow's hierarchy that self actualization is at the tippy top of the pyramid.

So how does this hedgehog thing work? Well it's the interception of three factors in your personal existence and where the three come together as being as centered and codependent as possible is where you self actualize.

The three factors are:  what are you good at, how can you make money and what are your passions? It's undestood that you can use what you're good at to make money and/or push forward with your passions, and you can use money to fund your passions, and/or use your passions to make money.

I know this concept seems to apply to working people and not everyone on this bet works outside the home, however money is a resource and I'm going to propose this ... Time is a valuable resource too, so replace $ with time and how would your hedgehog intercept for you if you used free time to fuel your passions and used what you are good at to make more time?

This hedgehog thing isn't meant to be an overnight realization but something you grow into and tweak as you go. So why not try to work on your hedgehog at the same time as working on this bet? 

For me I'm good at being consistent ... But that can be good or bad. So how can I use being consistent to my advantage by developing better habits now that I can be consistent at? I work in medical device quality, ensuring we develop quality products for the people who rely on them, I make money doing this and my passions are good quality to life that include keeping it simple yet healthy and well. How can I  best use my financial resources to continually fuel this life by utilizing that I'm good at being consistent?

Of course it's a work in progress but some food for thought!