I started the hedgehog thing ... Finding mine that is. I have all these thoughts now that I want to get down and out there, while they are spinning through my mind ... 

If being in my hedgehog means that I'm making $, and part of living a good life is using my $ to fuel my passions, are my $ well spent so far as:

  • Financial investment in personal training
  • gym clothing, shoes & accessories
  • Buying healthy food to meet my goals 
  • Dietbet bets etc
  • Devices such as Fitbit surge 


When it is so easy to undo all this hard work by counteracting the $ spent on these things listed above by blowing more $ on wine, fancy dinners, overeating etc. 

So what am I truly passionate about? The way I look, feel, move and behave when I know I'm meeting my goals and it's showing, or am I passionate about being slothly, waking up every morning having overdone it the previous day with it showing on my body, harping in my mind and dragging my spirit down?

Its so easy to be engaged in the push pull of one action working against another. There's still a lot to let go of.