Today was supposed to be the third walk in the morning with my friend. You know, the one who flaked out after the first time. She de-friended me on facebook. Yes, seriously. I know...juvenile. 

So rewind. Wednesday morning she was supposed to call to do our second walk together. She picked the time. She said she will call so I don't wake her son. Ok. No prob. No call. I tm'd her... "Already flaking out on me?" No answer. Fine. Called her that night to see if everything was alright and if you wanted to try again in the morning. No answer. (home and cell). Left message on cell. So yesterday I tried calling again. No answer. Left her a message asking her to please let me know she is alright. No call back. That night I tm'd "You have me really worried..." No reply. Before I go to bed I go on the Marine site to find out what my son is going to be doing the next day at boot camp and I post it on facebook for family and friends. HISTORY: I left facebook more than a year ago. Not really my thing. Don't like how people use it. BUT I promised my son I would rejoin so that his friends will be updated on how he is doing and that is when I started posting his daily activites. Okay, anyway, when I posted I noticed on my board that my friend just posted. The friend that now seems to be avoiding me. Her post... something about how happy and excited she was about booking her family vacation... Okay, now I am upset. She is not answering me anywhere because she knows it's me... so, I commented on her post. This is NOT something I would normally do. My comment was "How sad is it that facebook is how I find out you are alright? Don't bother calling me for a few days. I will need time to cool off". This morning my huuby came home while I was running and I told him about her post and asked if my comment was too harsh. I couldn't remember her exact post so I went ot show him and REALLY? It is sad really. I have been friends with her since highschool. I friended her in highschool when no one else would. Through the years she contantly complained how people were stopping being friends with her. Yadda yadda. Duh. I was still friends cause I don't believe in giving up on people. Even when people told me she is toxic. Anyways, she made her choice. Maybe this is for the best. 

Sorry to vent... but it is related because stress is a big body kill and is horrible when you are trying to loose weight. URGH.

OKAY. Let's talke about some good stuff. DEVON IS GRADUATING IN EXACTLY A WEEK!!!!!! Technically when he finished the crucible tomorow he is an official Marine. :-) I received a letter from him yesterday and he included 3 buttons, tag, and a boot buddy that he wore during Phase I. :-) I put the buttoms with the candle I have lit for the crucible. The tag on my key chain. And made the boot buddy into a bracelet that I will be wearing til basically it falls off. LOL He was smart in not sending me two. He knows his mom. I would probably try to wear it like he did with my jeans and look quite silly. LOL 

This morning I ran. Had sweat dripping down my arms to my elbows. :-P Gross. Did day one of the butt challange and then some. Worked on arms. And did the hula hoop. It was a good workout. :-)

Food Yesterday:

Oatmeal, Rice Cakes, Cashews, Almonds, Vitamins, Soup, and the last of the Chinese Food and Stewarts.

Felt little guilty about have the last two on a day I didn't work out. The Chinese food was getting old and I had bowling, so it made sense. And the Stewarts was about 1/3 full. Yes, it takes me two to three sitings to finish a soda. LOL Anyways, Chinese food is gone. I know we will most likely be ordering it again when Devon is home though. My goal is to eat a lot less of it in a sitting and have it with something. Like vegetables. 

Thumbs up: I stood the whole time during bowling and even got some calf raises and wall push-ups in. I probably looked weird to those around me. LOL

Have an awesome Friday. OH, and if you can, wear RED! Marines call it RED FRIDAY. Shows your support. ;-)