For the past 8 months, I have been documenting my fitness journey on Instagram. This journey started in June of 2014, 30 days before my 30th birthday. I wanted to be in the best shape of my life as I entered this new and exciting decade. I started off strong! I was working out often and felt comfortable enough posting "sports bra selfies" to Instagram to hold myself accountable. As time went on, my workload increased and exercise was pushed to the bottom of my to-do list. Suddenly, fast food and donuts easily found their way into my mouth.

I had lost all motivation.

And then I tried to find it again, at least temporarily. But the holidays were coming so what did it really matter?

After my holiday cookie binge, I couldn't button my pants while getting dressed for work. It was depressing, at best. My boyfriend, bless his heart, spent the morning consoling me and telling me that I looked beautiful. The problem was, I didn't feel beautiful. I felt uncomfortable and gross. I felt like I needed new pants pronto.

It has been 6 weeks since that dreadful morning and I have been struggling since--strugging to find the motivation and time to workout, struggling to make healthier eating choices and struggling to button my pants each morning. When I saw that Greatist was hosting a DietBet challenge, I thought 'Why the heck not?' and signed up. I'm excited for the challenge to begin on February 18, but will money be enough to keep me motivated? We shall see...