Hi there! Some of you might be wondering where I’ve been. Let me catch you up.

     Pain has been slapping me around. That’s right…it snuck up, knocked me over the head, attached me to the back of a dusty truck, dragged me around for about six weeks and then, for giggles, left me in the dirt. Primarily, the pain sits in my shoulders/arms and occasionally shoots throughout my whole body. Now, I am beginning to get better. The pain is lessening and I’m able to resume some normal activities. Yay me.

     What happened? I still think it’s related to the antibiotics I took after the surgery on my nose in December. I’ve been battling one thing after another since then. So, that was then. In about ten days, I go back to the doc, deal with the melanoma on my leg and go from there. What I will not be doing is taking any more antibiotics – EVER AGAIN – if I can at all help it.

     So, the pain made it hard to type. It made it hard to see the screen on my phone, kindle and computer. It washed away any desire to connect to the outside world. My wife’s had to deal with my funkiness and she’s done a stellar job. We are still married, she still loves me and I her, and the house didn’t fall down around our ears. She’s become a cleaning machine and the first one to jump up to deal with the things I’ve always dealt with in our lives. In other words, she really stepped up. Now, it’s tax season, she, being a tax CPA, doesn’t have time to play both roles right now. So, the timing for me to come back to life is pretty fortuitous. Again, yay me.

     What I promise you is that I think about you all every day…no really! I tried to keep up with posts but I’m a couple of weeks behind now. I will start fresh today with what’s going on in your FB, DB, MFP and FitBit lives as much as I can. I still may not post much but please know that I SEE you!!  And, I’m seeing way “less” of you! Yahoo!!!