I've been playing dietbet for almost 2 years now, and I can pretty much say I've figured weightloss: I can control my binge urges at will, Ttied a couple of diet, exercises and pretty much know what works and what's complicated to lose my gut. But my favorite part in dieting is the concept of Transfer.

Transfer: One thing leads to another

Tim Ferriss, in his book 4HB, mentioned the concept of Transfer: the byproducts of something done, a ripple effect. Confidence,  attractiveness, career or job promotion, and even better relationships and outlook in life are just some results of getting in great shape by taking control of your body and diet.

I tried to do small changes per Dietbet game, and aside from weightloss, I discovered some awesome transfers:

  • I do only Intermittent fasting... and I experienced "mental clarity" and I'm up awake at work (I work nightshifts).
  • I removed sugar from my diet... and my cravings for food will stop for hours, even a for day.
  • I only did one exercise: the T-swing for weightloss...  and got surprised I can jog longer, considering I havent jog for almost a year. (I stride like I pro)


NOBNOM Promise: More Energy, Focus and Sex Drive.

Then Tim posted his NOBNOM challenge. No Booze and Masturbation for 30 days. 

So I ask, what's gonna happen to me If I do the challenge? He posted:

  • A dramatic surge in free testosterone and sex
  • Increased ability to focus and cognitive endurance
  • Getting roughly 50-100% more done


At first, I told myself "Yeah right, I got it man..."

"Loading Testosterone? I've read it here.
"Focus endurance? How about watching the clock?
"Getting things done? they did it this way. "

AOM and ZenHabit are cool. But I noticed something on these articles: THEY DO THINGS TO GET IT

And Tim's suggestion: DON'T DO THIS (Booze, Masturbation), YOU GET THIS (Testosterone, Focus, More things done). 



Why use Dietbet?

I would suggest, and will test the following Transfer scenario with the NOBNOM:

  • you dont fap---> you get more energy to do things---> including workouts
  • no booze ---> less gut ---> Slimmer, sexier
  • no booze and no masturbation for 30 days ---> possible 4% bodyweight loss
  • 4% weightloss while in Dietbet ---> Win $$$



--->Place $25 bet [ACCOUNTABILITY, FEAR OF LOSING the $$$] 
---> No Booze No Masterbation during the duration of the game [Weighloss method used] 
---> You Lose weight (4%%) because you have the energy to exercise and lose some beer belly  [WIN portion on the pot money]


See you in the Game,

Kikoy Mann