At my work, part of my job in IT involves being a SCRUM practitioner. Don't worry, I'm going to try to not get overly geeky here. But what you need to know is that SCRUM is a very modern way of doing project management in IT. The old approach involved spending 3-4 months creating a very detailed project plan, and then spending 6-12+ months executing on the plan. It was called "Waterfall" project management. What was found over time, was that often at the end of the long Waterfall projects, the IT team often delievered the wrong product, the wrong software, and ultimately not what the customer wanted.
SCRUM - which comes from Rugby - involves creating a new short plan every 2 weeks or so. The idea is to deliver small pieces of working software every 2 weeks (called a Sprint), and then creating a new plan to deliver the next pieces, on a 2 week interval. This allows for customer engagement and feedback throughout the project lifecycle, and ultimate ends up with a far suprior software product than the old waterfall would deliver. At the end of every 2 week sprint, there is a meeting called a "Retrospective" in which IT teams discuss the previous 2 weeks of activity - what went well, what didn't go so well, and how to improve. This happens every two weeks until the project is done.
So, I've decided to do a retrospective on my Dietbet work so far. What went well for me - getting very focused on my food, measuring my intake every meal, making much better food choices, and adding some exercise. What didn't go well for me - not much exercise, relatively speaking. What I will improve - more exercise. I will continue measuing my calorie intake, making good food choices - other than exercise, I think I'm in a good way.
I've lost 7.5 lbs in less than 4 weeks. Thats about right for my weight - healthy, sustainable weight loss. Have any of you done a retrospective on your progress so far?