This weekend was very difficult for me on a personal & emotional level. Along with making healthier choices for my body, I've been working to make my lifestyle, in general, more healthy and productive. So - that included trying to put myself out there in the dating pool. Things were going well for a few weeks, and than not so well...culminating in feeling rejected, angry and foolish for even trying. I felt like, in order to be accepted, I would have had to silence my own voice; acquiesce to the wishes of another. I knew it had to end, but that doesn't mean doing so was any less hurtful. Que: Opening the floodgates of self-loathing and failure (....and dying alone with 37 cats). I can make light of it now - but it was really not pleasant.
Also que: intense desire to eat my feelings. Give me ALL THE SEAMLESS! Pizza, wine and Hulu+ are never going to reject me. I wanted to escape into that world and feel nothing. I wanted to write about how I was feeling, but couldn't bring myself to do so.
In the end - I did OK(ish) - I did, indeed, lose myself in a TV binge, but I kept myself from taking a whole pizza (plus some garlic bread, who am I kidding!) to the face. #celebratesmallwins I definitely ate more than I usually would - but it was mostly healthier food that I had at home. I did end up ordring in - but I was conscious to keep the order small.
Then, Monday came - I have a 1.5 hour commute and back to back appointments from 11-7. The last thing I wanted to do was go to the gym. But - I knew, that if I didn't walk in that door, I would continue feeling weighed down, sad and miserable. So I put on my workout clothes before I left the office, and put myself on a treadmill. I'm SO THANKFUL I did. The feeling of my muscles heating up and my body moving like a machine again was the most curative thing I could have done for myself. There were periods when I felt the bliss of being alone with the cadence of my foot-strikes, and brief moments when I took in the entire scene in front of me and felt connected to the other runners and elliptical-ers...moving and working in unison. It was beautiful.
So - take your difficult days. Don't deny how you're feeling by smashing down the pain & slapping on a platitude. Feel the pain and use it when you can.