I'm now 3 days into the BET BIG TO WIN BIG game, and feeling good!  I weighed in a half a pound heavier this morning, but I'm not too worried about such a small amount.

I got a call early this afternoon that has upset my groove a little, although I am trying to keep calm.  It's nothing bad or negative, thankfully, but introduces change into my life, and that always makes me nervous!  When I get nervous, my instinct seems to be to turn to snacking.  I had two little caramel rice cake crackers before I realized that I wasn't hungry, so I should stop.  It's annoying to know you don't actually want to eat but to be craving food regardless.  I think this comes from finding comfort in the process of eating.  Chewing, savoring good flavor, and swallowing are all comforting actions that are easy to accomplish when upset by something.

Do you start to snack when you get nervous or upset?

