Hey guys,
so I have been drinking Cola and Pepsi for as long as I can remember. Almost 4 weeks ago now I stopped it completely. No easing out of it. No "just for the meals". Because I tried that last year. Want to know what happened?
It VERY quickly became my favorite drink again. Or just all the liquid I consumed in a day apart from milk. No, I did not drink water. There were days, where the only liquid I drank was pepsi. Sometimes even a whole bottle. Because I drank it like water.
And. I. Loved. It. I drank that like it was the last time for me every time. It gave me energy. It tasted good. Especially in the winter when I was far from dehydrated it tasted so good.
I noticed it making me feel bad more in the summer. When it was late at night, and so hot that I coud not go to sleep. So I drank pepsi in the middle of the night.
Of course my stomach was bloated after it. I noticed! But I didnt do anything about it. "It is how it is", I thought. Sometimes my coworkers would ask me: "Is pepsi all you drink?" And I proudly admitted to it. Like its something good. Because everybody has a thing thats not good for them, right? This one smokes, the other one takes in too much nasal spray or cough medicine. I had pepsi.
And I dont do any of that other stuff by the way (drugs, smoking, etc). I´m pretty clean.
When I went to the store I could not go past the aisle with the pepsi. It was so programmed into me to just take a bottle or two. That was a must-have in my shopping basket. And I always made room for it. And I started to worry when I saw the last bottle in the fridge.
Sometimes I was too lazy to go to the store on saturday and my pepsi ran out on sunday of course. Nothing is open except the gas station. So I go there and get a 2 litre bottle for way too much money because... I have to have it, right?
Turns out I dont.
Three weeks and 5 days without it now. I have to honestly admit, that I miss it. Especially for meals. To drink something sweet and cold and fizzy with it. YES, I absolutely miss it.
But I can´t let that make me fat anymore. I just can´t. Its not healthy. Especially the way I drank it. I think I was slowly killing myself. And I want to see the changes already.
I just need to remind myself everytime I have a meal. I dont want this as bad as I want to be thin.
Its not worth it.