Diggin the "just worked out" look!!! ;)
Gotta say I really enjoyed my rest day!! Due to a conflict between the time I receive my daily workout email and the time I start my job, it works best for me to be a day behind. This way the emails come in around 8:30AM, and I'll have all day to print and read the workout plan before I wake up early the next morning and workout before work. Then I'll get the new one when I come into work... and so on.....
Therefore, today was Day 4 for me.
I've noticed a few hang ups for me that I want to record. Hopefully I will get better with time, but its causing frustrations. (Frustrations= motivations?? YES!) Anyways=
1. I cannot watch a workout dance video and be able to copy it instantly.
2. I cannot read a work out plan and fully understand what it's telling me to do. I literally have to youtube how to do certain moves.
3. And, I cannot do side planks very well.
I really am excited to keep going with this workout plan, and to start seeing results. My goal at this point is to win my money back. If I win more, great! But I'm just trying to establish a habit. So far my little mister and I have gone on a long nature walk both yesterday and today. I want to keep that a habit too.
I just want to add something else before I sign off for the night. It is true what I read: It is absolutely cruel to weight myself every day. So many fluctuations and not in the direction I'd like either. What I was going to do was track my weight each day "unofficially" and see the fluctuations transpire. But its getting down right depressing. I know! I know! It's been 4 days. I'm just saying! So instead of tracking just my weight, I got a new scale today that can also record Body Fat %, Body Water %, BMI, Bone Mass, and Muscle Mass. The pamphlet informed me to weight myself once a week, on the same day, at the same time, in the same place, wearing the same clothes, and using the same scale. So thats the new plan.
On a Scale 1-10:
Pain- 1
Motivation - 9