I'm dealing wth a lot of challenges, but aren't we all?

My spouse of 14 years announced 6 days before Christmas announced that he was leaving me. Our relationship had been strained since he went away to school in September. He arrived on my doorstep on January 2nd with 2 police officers to get his things. We've never been violent, all our disagreements were discussions. I felt so betrayed.

Tomorrow I was to start my new job at a new hospital, then developped an abcess in my throat this weekend, requiring drainage today and tomorrow. Puts a damper on my new life when I'm stuck at my old hospital in incredible pain getting my thoat lanced...I already feel puffy from the large doses of prednisone.

I want to feel in control. I want to take back control. I'm seeing a therapist, I have a healthy plan involving getting back to running. I hope this challenge is the catalyst I need.

Thanks for stopping by,

From the still somewhat snowny Southern Canada,
