Kenny O'Neal's challenge ends in 8 days.  I weigh in for our local community diet bet in 9 days.  Ali Vincent's challenge begins in 10 days. 

I can do this!  About the time I want to chuck it all, I get a gentle reminder that I'm in committed not just to myself, but to a whole community.  I love all of the encouragement and inspiration that I receive, not just from great successes, but also from the little sand traps.

I feel so blessed to be able to see other's struggles and to share my own.  I've tried so many times to get in better shape and to lose weight only to end up giving up on myself and my goals for whatever excuse I had a the time.  This time, there are people working with me and for me.  I can not ask for anything better.

I thank you all for being honest, dedicated, and committed.

We got this! I got this!  I am doing it!