How can one weigh-in loss month derail me so much??
Month 1 - I made it!
Month 2 - missed by .3 lbs. Yes, .3 lbs. And that was the beginning of the end of this transformation. W.T.F.?? I couldn't see the victory of losing more and feeling my clothes fitting better? NO. I saw the loss of that round. Now, I'm back to where I was. Well, not totally back to where I was, but back to close to round 1 end weight. Slightly above actually. I guess I should be happy I'm not at the starting point... Tiny victory?
SO. back on track. I have weigh in tokens. I am determined to at least lose weight weekly. Come on. I can do this. Yes, I eat half of what I did in my 20's and weigh 40 lbs more. (did i really just say 40lbs more?! ugh. ugh. ugh). The late 40's have been hard on me. Or the lexapro? Not sure which hit my waistline harder, but I obviously can't reverse the aging, and I'm way too happy on lexapro. So, I fight on!