I'm going to be updating this blog for around a month and if it's only to keep myself honest, then so be it. But, if you want a real story, including my failures and splurges then I'll be sharing them here. I love Jillian, she's so important to my story and I think DietBet is a fun way to reignight the flame I have for healthy living. 

I already lead a "conscious" lifestyle where I avoid synthetic chemicals as much as I can. I use all natural cleaning products, organic beauty products and always consume organic, free-range milk, meat and produce (if it's in season). I flucuate with my fitness because of my toxic relationship with sin-splints but I can't let that be a reason not to workout. I can and will work around them, I might run once a week and that will have to be fine. 

I am a perfectionist. What I mean by this is that I strive to be "perfect" in my own perception of the word and I beat myself down when I feel I don't live up to my fullest self; when I'm not my ideal verison. I'm working more and more on self love and a concious effort to be happy. I believe happiness is a choice and you've got to put good out there to get good in return. 

About me: I fit perfectly into the categories of girly-girl and guy's-girl. I don't have many friends because a) I just moved to a new town and b) I don't fit in with most people my age. I don't drink a lot, I hate most television, I love reading books and relaxing at home vs being in a club. I hate all aspects of "drama" and I think people can be ridiculously immature at any age. My biggest pet peve is judgement & imposing opinions on those you don't agree with. I love my Corgi Luna, all things Disney, proper British tea, real/gormet cheese, Jillian Michaels, Giada DeLaurentis, all things French, Sophie Kinsella books, Harry Potter, all things involving food/cooking, how great clothes make you feel confident, the endorphins I get from running, my family and my husband Adam; we don't have a fairytale relationship but we have resilience and a deep passion to be with one another. 

Join with me to better our minds and bodies so we can handle anything this extrodinary, unpredictable, unrelenting, and absolutly amazing life throws our way. Look for the happiness in your everyday life and strive to be 100% present. "Transformation isn't a future event, it's a current activity" - Jillian Michaels.