Yes, I am talking about the arm flab! I am on a weight loss journey that I am excited to be on but am trying to take steps now to avoid the loose skin down the road.
You see, I have almost 220lbs to lose on this journey to meet my goal. Thanks to the help of weight loss surgery, working out, and relearing how to eat, I have lost close to 100 already!
I am noticing my arms (and other areas too! But this is about the arms) becoming much flabbier and they like to jiggle lots! I saw a post on Pinterest that I want to try to utilize to help tighten up some of the flab as I continue to lose more weight. No clue if it will work, but only one way to find out!
Being a part of Diet Bet made me realize that doing this with others really makes a difference! (the thought of winning money definitely is a big plus!) So I thought I would put this out here to see if anyone else out here trying to lose their Bat Wings! Plus it keeps me accountable as well!
I am going to post some pictures and share my starting point, please be kind, as this is a big step in my journey, sharing these numbers and pictures. I will do the exercises in the pinterest picture everyday until March 14th and take some final pictures and share if it works!
Here is the plan that I saw on Pinterest:
5 minutes to Toned Arms
- 25 tight arm circles (forward)
- 25 tight arm circles (backwards)
- 30 bicep curls (10 full curls, 10 half curls, 10 full curls)
- 15 tricep dips (use a chair)
- 15 push ups
- 25 big arm circles (forward)
- 25 big arm circles (backwards)
- 15 tricep dips (use a chair)
Here are my stats:
- Start/Picture Date: 2/11/17
- End Date: 3/14/17
- Beginning Measurements: Left Arm - 23 inches Right Arm - 21 inche